NMTCs for Affordable Homeownership Featured in the Washington Post

Today’s Washington Post includes a write-up of NMTC-Coalition members Howard and Donna Smith (Smith NMTC) and their work to expand affordable homeownership using the NMTC.


“The Smiths have championed using the $5 billion-a-year program to build affordable housing, something most community development entities (CDEs) tapping into the credits said could not be done,” writes Jim Morrison. “New Markets Tax Credits are highly regulated, but the Smiths have created plug-and-play templates, models that any nonprofit can use to navigate the tax credits program from application through project completion.”
Jim Morrison
Washington Post


Housing Access and Neighborhood Stabilization Revolving Loan Fund (2022)

Saint Louis, MO

This is phase 1 of a 10- to 15-year development plan that looks at transformation where people live, work and play in their corner of the JeffVanderLou neighborhood. Habitat for

Birmingham YMCA (2024)

Birmingham, AL
Birmingham YMCA used NMTC allocation to renovate their existing sq. ft. Northeast Youth Center

Habitat for Humanity Greater Cincinnati (2012)

Cincinnati, OH
NMTC financing supported a multi-state, first of its kind Habitat for Humanity project spanning the country.

Chatham Habitat for Humanity (2011)

Siler City, NC
NMTC financing supported a Habitat for Humanity Build for Chatham Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity of Evansville Inc. (2011)

Mount Vernon, IN
This project created 48 affordable, single-family homes for Habitat for Humanity of Evansville, Inc.

Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County (2021)

Bloomington, IN
Monroe County Habitat used NMTC financing to complete the Osage Place project in Bloomington, IN.