Calhoun Liberty Hospital

Rural hurricane-damaged hospital is reconstructed and now supports over 24,000 visits annually.
Rep. Dunn (R-FL) tours of Stay Pufft in Perry, FL

“On Wednesday, we toured the new Super-Pufft Snack Corporation facility in Perry. Brothers Walid & Mahmoud Amrouch have been working very hard to get this business up and running. I was honored to have the opportunity to meet Walid, Mahmoud, & their father. “-Rep. Dunn
Jackson Hospital

A hospital based in Marianna, Florida. The loan, in the amount of $13,500,000, funded the purchase of new patient treatment equipment (MRI and CAT scan machines), as well as post hurricane facility repairs. This loan was funded by River Gorge Capital, a subsidiary of BrightBridge.
Florida Interfaith Network in Disaster

NMTC financing supported Florida Interfaith Networking in Disasters (FIND), a coalition of faith-based disaster responders in Florida who network with state, local and national agencies to prepare Florida’s communities for the effects of disaster, and facilitate recovery efforts through broad based cooperation and expertise.
North Florida Community Hospital – Chipley

The construction and outfitting of a new 14,000 square foot surgical center in Washington County.
Neal Dunn (R-FL02)

Jackson County Austism

New construction of an Autism Center, run by Endeavor Forward, the nonprofit, exclusive provider of Autism services of Jackson County.
BD Xtreme

BD Xtreme is an aluminum boat manufacturer. The project allowed the company to acquire real estate, purchase equipment and inventory, restructure debt, and provide the needed working capital for expansion purposes.

Snack manufacturer partners with CDE to create or save 397 jobs in a community on the precipice of economic disaster.
Karen Koch, Executive Director, Florida Supportive Housing Coalition, Tallahassee, Florida

Without refunding many of the supportive housing projects which are generally individuals with extremely low-incomes will not be able to be developed. This funding reaches our most vulnerable populations in Florida.