
Stillwater Medical Center

MetaFund used $16 million of its NMTCs allocation to finance the acquisition of equipment necessary for the expansion of Stillwater Medical Center, a rural hospital in Stillwater, Oklahoma, providing vital medical services within a federally designated Health Professional Shortage Area.

Positive Tomorrows Villa Campus Inc.

This is a charter school for homeless children. In addition, they provide services to the entire family. Using New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs), MetaFund provided flexible financing to Positive Tomorrows for the creation of their new elementary and middle schools for homeless children in Oklahoma City.

Crossroads Charter School

Santa Fe South Schools, a fully accredited public charter school district with 2,400 students from Pre-K through 12th grades in south Oklahoma City, serves students from high-poverty environments who are primarily English language (second language) learners. The successful charter school achieves 94% graduation rates among its Hispanic students and overall graduation rates of 98%. The […]

First Wave

An airplane parts manufacturing helps community that lost 1,200 jobs with the closing of a Black & Decker manufacturing facility.