CDE: Accion Opportunity Fund

To all NMTC Coalition Members: If you would like to add projects, a description of your CDE, or anything else to this page, contact Paul Anderson.

Recent Allocation Awards:

Project Profiles and Stories

Demolition of an outdated facility and construction of a new building expands critically needed inpatient and outpatient behavioral and mental healthcare services co-located with supportive housing.
Opportunity Fund provided $8 million in financing for the newly-opened Logan Heights Family Health Counseling Center w

Rolland Curtis Gardens opened in the Spring of 2019 in the Exposition Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. The mixed-use development features 140 residential units and 8,000 sq. ft. of commercial

A FQHC health clinic that will provide medical, dental, and mental health services for low-income and uninsured. This region does not have adequate services, and the clinic serves as the

This project serves the most vulnerable homeless people through a wide array of social, medical, and mental assistance. It will also provide 59 “Tiny Homes”, which will be permanent housing.

A homeless services facility that focuses on sober sheltering and transitional housing.

Construction of a new 73,000 sq. ft. behavioral health care facility in Everett, WA. The new facility will provide intensive inpatient and outpatient mental health services for low-income patients, including

Northern Nevada HOPES' new community wellness center prepares to serve 12,000 residents
Urban Peak constructs new shelter for youth experiencing homelessness

Nonprofit purchase and tribal renovation of polluted river and clear cut forest. After a 10-year effort the Yurok Tribe, Western Rivers Conservancy, Opportunity Fund, and U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation,

NMTC financing supported a new, centralized location for the coordination of an array of supportive services for individuals experiencing homelessness.

Tom Dolan is the Senior Director, NMTCs, at Accion Opportunity Fund. Mr. Dolan has over 30 years of legal, finance, and real estate experience. He has worked on NMTCs since

Nearly $25 million of financing to help the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco build a new Clubhouse and administrative headquarters in the Western Addition.
Financing for Budokan, a multi-purpose community facility in a highly distressed area of downtown Los Angeles.
NMTC financing for the City of Desert Hot Springs Community Health and Wellness Center, conceived in 2003 to provide facilities for a medically underserved community to improve the health and
Financing for the construction of the retail component of a 150+ unit affordable housing development that anchored by Clínica Tepeyac and also provide space for a fresh food retailer.
Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic is a non-profit, FQHC.
Non-profit university primarily serving low-income, minority and women students.
One of the country’s leading pediatric hospitals doubles its research space.
$9,568,778 in low-interest financing to help renovate one of the largest providers of homeless housing and services in the Santa Barbara area – the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission.
ECSV is a collaborative project among 16 public institutions and private groups who provided financial support for an early childhood education facility
Compass Family Services is located in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood and operates an emergency shelter, transitional housing program, child care centers, and a computer lab and training center for families.
In 2013, Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco received NMTC financing to support construction of a new 30,000 sq. ft. Clubhouse in the Western Addition.
The San Francisco YMCA in secured $5M in NMTC financing for the redevelopment of the Bayview YMCA in the Bayview district of San Francisco in 2008.
NMTC financing for Union Gospel Mission of Salem, the largest provider of meals and shelter for the homeless in the Salem, Oregon metro area.
The renovation and expansion of Northwest Human Services' existing facility.
New community center expands opportunity for thousands of children in historically disinvested community.
Financing for Ravenswood to move out of modular buildings with limited space and services.
Supportive services facility for the homeless families in the San Fernando Valley.
The construction of a non-profit primary and preventive health care facility for the farmworkers and low-income service workers of Napa and Sonoma counties.
The Dream Center, a volunteer-driven organization, currently serves over 40,000 people each month.
The construction of a new federally qualified health center, a 27,500 S. F. facility in Lompoc, CA to replace an aging facility, and the renovation of a 21,300 S. F.
A California North Coast enterprise focused on sustainable forestry (including a carbon sequestration project), fisheries habitat protection and restoration, and ecosystem services over a 47,097-acre forested landscape.