To all NMTC Coalition Members: If you would like to add projects, a description of your CDE, or anything else to this page, contact Paul Anderson.
Little Big Horn College, the higher education institution of the Crow (Apsáalooke) Tribe of Indians, used $8.8 million in NMTCs provided by Travois New Markets and more than $2.3 million
Construction financing to build and manage the 48,852-square-foot Community and Government Services Facility. A fire destroyed the Bois Forte Band’s previous facility. This new energy-efficient building houses a credit union,
The Pueblo of Laguna Utility Authority is an independent nonprofit entity, owned by the Pueblo of Laguna, which develops, manages and maintains utilities for the Pueblo of Laguna, the largest
The new Coyote Valley Hotel will be 55,000 sq. ft. and will have 101 guest rooms. It is located along US Highway 101, a major commercial artery bringing customers through
The Choctaw Wellness Center provides opportunities for wellness-related recreational and educational activities including but not limited to: group fitness classes, biometric screens, nutritional counseling, wellness coaching, and general fitness facility
Red Lake Inc., an economic development enterprise of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, and its subsidiary, Ogaakaaning Wild Rice LLC, expanded its wild rice business to better serve
My job is to bring as much capital as possible to American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities. These investments help change agents build new health care, education, infrastructure,