Returning Citizens

New Markets Tax Credit financing supported the expansion of TAF’s manufacturing operation and brought jobs to the local community.
RecycleForce, an Indianapolis social enterprise that provides workforce development training to citizens returning from incarceration, recently began a construction project to build a new headquarters and electronics recycling facility.
Acquisition, renovation, and equipping of a 245,000 sq. ft. warehouse into a volumetric modular housing production facility with space to incubate/accelerate social enterprises that will deliver transportation, excavation, landscaping, electrical,
The SEED School of Los Angeles is part of a catalytic Transit Priority Joint Development Project at the major intersection of Vermont and Manchester in South Los Angeles.
Phase 1 of the Village of Hope involved construction of four buildings to provide medical respite for homeless residents and apartment buildings for homeless veterans and homeless families.
Expansion of PUBCO's operations and its manufacturing operations and capacity at its industrial campus in inner-city Cleveland by purchasing and installing new state-of-the-art equipment.
New construction of a workforce opportunity center that provides job training, education and financial literacy services.
Substantial rehabilitation of a historic gold leafing factory located in a Promise Zone into a commercial space and hub for a regional hydroponic operator, light manufacturing, and small business incubator
New construction of a building that houses for distribution goods sold in convenience and small grocery stores.
$600,000 working capital for bakery based in Brooklyn, NY with a focus on quality job creation and providing jobs to formerly incarcerated people and refugees.
Financing for a Residential Re-Entry Center to assist returning citizens in making successful transitions back into their communities.