Brownfield Remediation

Project advances environmental justice through urban tree restoration, is transforming an industrial brownfield site into a 22,000 sq. ft. headquarter facility adjacent to the Atlanta BeltLine trail.
The first phase of development in the $50 million Kitselmen Pure Energy Park master planned development and will rehabilitate and environmentally remediate the former Indiana Steel and Wire building, a
Goodwill Industries of KY redeveloped a Brownfield in a poor, minority neighborhood.
A 140,000 sq. ft. community center on a long-vacant 6.7-acre brownfield site in North Austin that was most recently owned by the City of Chicago.
The project developed a vacant brownfield lot into a 21,000 sq. ft. wellness cente providing services to 14,500 patients.
The renovation of the ZCMI warehouse not only brought an historic building back into use, but also contributed to the large-scale revitalization of a Brownfields area.
The project consisted of the initial phase of the redevelopment of a vacant 7.2 acre Brownfield Site at Greenfield Avenue and S. 1st Street in Milwaukee, WI.
The project consisted of the initial phase of the redevelopment of a vacant 7.2 acre Brownfield Site at Greeneld Avenue and S. 1st Street in Milwaukee, WI.
Atlanta Youth Academy is a Pre-K-to-8 independent school that provides robust education opportunities to low-income students, predominantly from single-parent households with median annual incomes of under $24,000.
An innovative project redeveloped a vacant 9-acre brownfield site into a sustainability campus which includes a biodigester, greenhouse space, community garden with a fresh produce stand and a visitor’s center
Construction of a greenhouse and distribution facility for a co-op
Leasehold improvements and equipping two grocery stores operated under the Publix Supermarkets brand.
The adaptive re-use of a former RJ Reynolds tobacco facility that is being redeveloped by Wexford Science and Technology, LLC into an 110,815 sq ft mixed-use, LEED Silver certified historic
Acquisition, construction, and leasing of two industrial buildings encompassing a site of approximately 170,000 square feet on Rogers Street in a highly distressed area of West Allis, WI.
The adaptive reuse of century-old buildings near Milwaukee in which the Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Company originally built tractors.
Investment in steel fabricator positions small rural community as a leader in the heavy equipment supply-chain.
State-of-the-art facility doubles capacity for school educating underserved children.
The City of San Pablo, one of the poorest communities in Contra Costa County, experiences high levels of youth obesity and violence.
The River City Business Park project involved $70M redevelopment of a long-abandoned brownfield site into a 54 acre LEED-certified business park in a highly distressed community.
A new food hub expands access to fresh food while empowering a new generation of culinary entrepreneurs.
The revitalization of a major gateway into the East Liberty neighborhood, which has been undergoing a major transformation after years of blight.
A $48.2M mixed-use, transit-oriented, green development in Philadelphia's Ludlow community - a low-income, distressed neighborhood currently undergoing a revitalization drive fueled by strong public and private collaboration.
NMTC brings first new manufacturer to industrial park in almost fifteen years.
A first-in-nation renewable energy operating business that uses Sierra Nevada forest waste as its feedstock to produce electricity.
An NMTC investment from Cinnaire supported the development of a new, 100,000-square-foot building dedicated to financial technologies at the University of Delaware’s Science.
Vacant, contaminated site transformed into mixed-used development bringing hundreds of jobs to Milwaukee.
Brownfield redevelopment for industrial use and office developement for a distrubution company.
New sports facility supports job training, education, health and wellness, and opportunity in the Russell neighborhood
The transformation of a vacant elementary school located on a federally designated brownfield site in a low-income community in Joliet into a holistic childcare center for children ages 6 weeks
NMTC financing transforms a contaminated site into a sparkling new community facility.
An open air retail mall located on Eight Mile Road in Detroit, MI, this project constructed a major retail center remediating a 36-acre Brownfield site at the Southeast corner of
NMTC financing supported the $53 million General Electric Aviation EPISCENTER development on the University of Dayton campus.
Financing for a nonprofit organization dedicated to the celebration of arts and culture in the Lehigh Valley region, and the Lehigh Valley Public Telecommunications Corporation.
Construction of 13,860 sq-ft new facility for outreach to low-income youth.