
A new hotel was financed on Choctaw lands to create jobs and economic development after the devastation of Katrina.

Construction of 122 affordable single-family homes for Habitat for Humanity in an area that suffered from extensive damage from Katrina.

Following Hurricane Katrina, AMCREF Community Capital, a Community Development Entity based in New Orleans, provided nearly $13 million of New Markets Tax Credit financing to create 150 affordable homes that
Meets with local CDFIs, CDEs, small businesses, non-profits, entrepreneurs, and affordable housing developers supporting the recovery efforts.
The Christian Brothers School new multi-purpose facility constitutes the first new building constructed in the New Orleans institution’s fifty-year history.
The Forestland Group utilized NMTCs to complete the purchase of 82,000 acres of hardwood forests in Louisiana, in addition to a hardwood sawmill and processing plant near LeMoyen, LA; 200
A new, four-story healthcare facility that included physician office space, an imaging center, conference rooms, and educational facilities.
Rehabilitation of a vacant 21,000 sq. ft. building into a new full-service grocery store.
Civil rights trailblazer secures timely financing and breathes new life into history-making school.
St. Thomas Community Health Center, New Orleans, LA completed financing in March, 2011 to purchase and renovate a 10,000 sq. ft. historic building.
Abandoned automotive facility transformed into health center, empowering people to overcome addiction.
NMTC financing was structured as operational capacity to expand and re-open more than one million sq. ft. of medical services space including: 100-bed surgical hospital, a senior living facility for
As part of the post-Katrina overhaul of all New Orleans' school facilities, the Recovery School District is preserving and refurbishing two parts of the historic Booker T. Washington building: the
A roughly 40,000 sq. ft. full service grocery store which provides access to healthy fresh food in a highly distressed food desert.
The Habitat Homes Project provided support to Habitat for Humanity affiliates located in Metro Jackson and in the Mississippi Gulf Coast areas of Mississippi.
Financing for Allegheny Wood Products, Inc. an operator of six sawmills in three states.
New YMCA in an areas severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina.
Gulf Coast Agricultural and Seafood Co-Op, is a non-profit first-of-its-kind facility turning seafood processing waste into fertilizer.