Atlanta, GA (2020)

Atlanta Mission – Restoration House

The NMTC financed the construction of Restoration House, a 45,330 sq. ft. low-barrier shelter for homeless women and children.


  • NMTC Amount: $17,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $18,867,874


  • 27 FTE jobs
  • 50 construction jobs
  • People served: Shelter beds: 2,250 women and children annually; Healthcare services: 1200 unique patients annually; Mental health services: 800 unique patients annually; Job training: 60 unique individuals annually
  • 45,330 sq. ft. of real estate


Voices from the Community

We’ve been the beneficiaries of one development project that used NMTCs to assist us in funding our project. We would have had to scale back our project had we not had the NMTCs, which would have meant serving thousands fewer patients over the nearly 10 years our health clinic has been in service. Simply put, this program has relieved more misery and lengthened and saved lives.

-Steve Siler, President, Mercy Care Foundation, Atlanta, Georgia

Project Description

Atlanta Mission is the oldest and largest provider of support services for metro Atlanta’s homeless population. NMTC-financed the construction of Restoration House, a 45,330 sq. ft. low-barrier shelter for homeless women and children. Restoration House will be Atlanta’s first low-barrier shelter, meaning it accepts all clients as long as they are not a risk to themselves or others. Traditional shelters can only be accessed by individuals who meet restrictive sobriety, medication compliance, identification, and admissions regulations.

Restoration House will create 100 new shelter beds and will allow Atlanta Mission to expand day services by 20% to serve 4,400 homeless women and children annually. The facility will also include a Mercy Care health clinic, childcare space, a commercial kitchen, and space for job training/placement and social work. Additionally, the organization is partnering with Cara, a leading Chicago-based workforce development enterprise, to launch Atlanta Mission @Work, an innovative career training and job placement model. This program will have dedicated space onsite and will prepare clients for long-term employment, economic well-being, and self-sufficiency. The space is designed to provide clients with safety, privacy, dignity, self-esteem, community, and empowerment.


Address: 655 Ethel Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA 30318

Census Tract: 13121000601

Other Georgia Projects

Thomaston, (2014)