Atlanta Youth Academy

Atlanta Youth Academy is a Pre-K-to-8 independent school that provides robust education opportunities to low-income students, predominantly from single-parent households with median annual incomes of under $24,000.


  • NMTC Amount: $10,820,000
  • Total Project Cost: $12,097,343


  • 35 FTE jobs
  • 59 construction jobs
  • Creation of quality jobs for hard-to-employ populations (i.e. individuals with physical or mental disabilities, local or commnuity residents, long-term unemployed, veterans, and current or former clients/program participants).


Project Description

Atlanta Youth Academy (AYA) is a Pre-K-to-8 independent school that provides robust education opportunities to low-income students, predominantly from single-parent households with median annual incomes of under $24,000. NMTC-financed the construction of a new academic building and student-life building, to be located on a six-acre unsafe and contaminated brownfield site, along with the renovation of an existing multi-purpose recreation building.

The expansion allowed AYA to increase its capacity from 150 students to 225 students. 100% of AYA students graduate 8th grade and enroll in high school, 100% of alumni graduate high school, and since 2010, 93% matriculate to 4-year college and 6% matriculate to 2-year college. These successes are particularly striking given students from this income bracket have less than a 64% high school graduation rate nationally. The new academic building includes 14 classrooms, dedicated performing and visual arts spaces, a maker space, a library, and administrative space. The student-life building includes dedicated cafeteria space and a commercial kitchen, as well as a flexible space with a stage that can accommodate full-school gatherings.


Address: 2120 Forrest Park Rd SE, Atlanta, GA 30315

Census Tract: 13121007100

Other Georgia Projects

NMTC financing supports anchor for catalytic regional development.
The construction of a 26,000 sq. ft. Quest Nonprofit Center for Change that houses community and commercial services.
The construction of the new 42,000-square-foot state-of-the-art Ryan Marshall Performing Arts Center, which expanded the existing school building both for student activities as well as for RCA's teacher training programs.
The development of the Premium Peanut shelling facility in Douglas, Georgia, aims to bring more stability to these farmers by helping them gain better access to the market, improve their