Jack Links Beef Jerky Manufacturing and Water Treatment Facility


  • NMTC Amount: $33,800,000
  • Total Project Cost: $33,800,000


  • 75 FTE jobs
  • 26,000 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

Demand for beef jerky was rising, and the Jack Link’s upgraded plant in Alpena answered the call. Link Snacks Inc., or LSI, which produces Jack Link’s products, completed a 26,000 sq. ft. addition to its plant and has invested in the expansion of the Alpena wastewater treatment plant. The upgrades brought 75 more jobs to the massive jerky plant within five years. The project was supported by NMTC financing from Chase, Dakotas America, and Midwest Minnesota CDC.The water treatment facility cost $9.1 million to build.


Address: 39210 22nd Street, Alpena, SD 57312

Census Tract: 46073974100

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