Knowledge Is Power Program

Construction of a not-for-profit open enrollment charter school with a renowned track record of preparing students from our nation's most educationally undeserved communities for success in college and life.


  • NMTC Amount: $26,167,750
  • Total Project Cost: $26,211,209


  • 75 FTE jobs
  • 114 construction jobs
  • At full occupancy, the facility serves approximately 1,180 students from kindergarten through 7th grade.


Project Description

The Knowledge Is Power Program (‘KIP’) charter schools is a national network of three, not-for-profit open enrollment charter schools with a renowned track record of preparing students from our nation’s most educationally undeserved communities for success in college and life. The overall project consisted of the redevelopment of a former greyhound racing track clubhouse into educational space for the eventual operation of three KIPP schools.


Address: 1440 North McDuff Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32254

Census Tract: 12031002701

PDF Profile

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