New Baxley Operations LLC


  • NMTC Amount: $12,900,000
  • Total Project Cost: $18,124,609


  • 218 FTE jobs
  • 98 construction jobs
  • 99% of jobs will be accessible to local residents thanks to work with two local workforce agencies .



Project Description

New Baxley is using NMTC financing to equip and operate an existing manufacturing facility in Baxley, GA. The refurbished, state-of-the-art, highly-efficient, volumetric modular housing manufacturing and assembly facility manufacturers modular homes that are designed to provide durable, affordable, energy-efficient housing for individuals earning between 80-120% of area median income (AMI). The majority of the homes manufactured at the site will be sold to developers who are providing affordable housing in the Southern U.S. The project expands their manufacturing capacity from 300 homes/year in 2022 to over 1,000 homes/year at full capacity in 2023. The project will support a total of 218 direct permanent FTE jobs (78 retained, 140 to be created) in Non-Metro Appling County, paying average wages 41% above the local living wage.


Address: 137 West Park Drive, Baxley, GA 31513

Census Tract: 13001950202

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