NorShor Theatre

The NorShor Theatre started as the Orpheum Theatre in 1910 and enjoyed decades of success in Duluth before closing.


  • NMTC Amount: $16,500,000
  • Total Project Cost: $28,087,834


  • 43 FTE jobs
  • 132 construction jobs


Project Description

The NorShor Theatre started as the Orpheum Theatre in 1910 and enjoyed decades of success in
Duluth before closing. It reopened as a movie house and then changed hands several times over the years. In an unfortunate turn of events a notorious building hoarder took over and turned the building into a center for prostitution, gang activity, violence and drug dealing. This led to another closure and for years residents dealt with a vacant, eye sore in their community.

In 2010, the City of Duluth purchased the historic building; saving it from the wrecking ball and making it part of a new plan to revitalize downtown. Chase stepped up to help rehabilitate the building into the NorShor Theatre and provided:

  • $1 million New Markets Tax Credit allocation
  • $3.7 million of Historic Tax Credit Equity
  • $5.4 million in New Markets Tax Credit Equity

The theatre spurred retail leasing, created an estimated 53 permanent, full-time jobs, enhanced public safety by bringing more people to the area, and serve as a catalyst for other community and economic development opportunities.


Address: 211 East Superior Street, Duluth, MN 55802

Census Tract: 27137001900

PDF Profile

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