Indianapolis, IN (2018)

The Second Helpings Culinary Job Training Program

The Second Helpings Culinary Job Training Program promotes productive citizenship and provides an opportunity for individuals to gain industry recognized skills and certifications upon which future successes can be built.


  • NMTC Amount: $97,500
  • Total Project Cost: $97,500


  • 5 FTE jobs



Project Description

Granted $97,500, The Second Helpings Culinary Job Training Program promotes productive citizenship and provides an opportunity for individuals to gain industry recognized skills and certifications upon which future successes can be built. Since 1998, the Culinary Job Training program has focused on serving unemployed and underemployed adults in and around the Indianapolis urban core that exhibit the greatest need. Funds from the grant allows an additional thirteen students to participate in the transformative program.


Address: 1121 Southeastern Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Census Tract:

Other Indiana Projects

Fort Wayne, (2012)