Unified Vailsburg Service Organization (UVSO) recently selected Michael Shilale Architects, LLP (MSA) to design their new preschool. It was important to UVSO that this building be designed with the needs of three and four year old children in mind. MSA was the perfect choice. This project is partly the result of a landmark court decision in NJ called the Abbott case. The courts decided that 3 and 4-year-olds from low-income families who cannot afford quality childcare are unprepared for kindergarten and elementary school. It has been called one of the most significant court decisions in education history. The specific goals for the Ivy Hill Preschool are to create a place of beauty, a place where children would feel competent – a place that is safe and nurturing. A place for children to play and to learn and that meets their needs for movement, comfort, competence and control.