NMTC financing for Community Action, Inc, a nonprofit that provides resources and opportunities for individuals, families and communities to overcome poverty. The construction of a new two-story, 30,000 sq. ft. modern, child-oriented facility that will improve the quality of education, child safety and functionality for the children and staff, replacing a 50-year old converted supermarket that was never intended to be an educational facility. Renovation of a historic 5-story building which now serves as its headquarters in the center of downtown Fitchburg. A transformative multi-phase project, initiated in 2007, to redevelop a complex of 19th-century textile mills along the Merrimack River into a thriving mixed-use neighborhood. The adaptive reuse and historic rehabilitation of a former parish school meant a new home for Lawrence CommunityWorks. The construction of a surgical addition to Lawrence General Hospital. UTEC creates several new businesses to create new jobs and contribute to community revitalization in Lowell, Massachusetts. The acquisition and adaptive reuse of a historic mill complex to create a new 100,000 Federally-Qualified Health Center. Financing for Cafe UTEC, a youth education and workforce training program located in Lowell, MA. NMTC financing totaling $2,000,000 to finance the acquisition of an existing sublease and build out of space for Lowell House Inc.