NMTC financing supported a nonprofit organization providing transitional housing for Houston's homeless population NMTC financing helped Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston develop 53,500 sq. ft. Meals on Wheels Distribution Center. $5 million allocation will create approximately 18 homes for low-income buyers with median incomes averaging $36,000 per year. These buyers will receive pre-purchase financial counseling, homebuyer education, and ongoing support. https://www.avenuecdc.org/2022/what-the-heck-is-a-noah/ Houston Habitat used NMTC financing for the site development and construction of 39 of the 84 affordable single-family homes planned in Phase 1 of their Robins Landing project. Aker BioMarine, a Norwegian biotechnology firm, is partnering with the French nutraceutical firm, Naturex Inc., to convert a vacant Dryer’s Grand Ice Cream facility into a biomarine manufacturing plant which extracts omega-3 from krill fish for human consumption. The Houston Food Bank utilized NMTC financing to rehabilitate and add space to their current properties and to move the location of their kitchen to this updated site in order to combine programs and reduce costs. Financing for the POST Houston revitalization in downtown Houston, Texas. The construction of a warehouse for Houston Food Bank, a freezer/distribution facility. Financing for The Women's Home Mabee WholeLife Service Center in Houston, using an innovative financing structure that makes a tangible difference in one of the cities' most needy areas.