Dan Heffernan is the President, New Markets Tax Credits, at Community Ventures (CV). He’s the primary staff to CV’s governing and advisory boards and has oversight responsibility for all NMTC investment recommendations. Dan directs the activities of CV Appalachian CDE, Inc.’s (CVACDE) NMTC consultants as well as the CE staff that work with the NMTC program. He has eight years’ experience with asset and risk management activities across a range of federal, state and local capitalization programs, including NMTC, and leads the NMTC A&R Team.
Dan also brings a depth of underwriting and due diligence experience, having underwritten over 700 business loans during his 14 years in community and economic development. He has extensive experience designing capital deployment frameworks, creating effective policies and procedures, and designing products and services that drive capital to underserved populations.