The NMTC financed facility aims to help community members realize their dreams by lifting up local BIPOC artists, while offering some permanent offices and several co-working spaces.
The construction of subdivision infrastructure (streets, sidewalks, curbs, sewer and water lines, gas and electrical and storm water drainage) to support the development of up to 300 affordable housing units.
Learn the fundamentals of the New Markets Tax Credit incentive, including the background and context, roles of significant players, and typical transaction structures. With a focus on understanding the common and unique goals of Community Development Entities, course participants will leave understanding what type of project is ideal for NMTC. Course leaders each come from a different background in the NMTC industry, and their diverse perspectives offer additional insight into explaining the overall NMTC landscape. As part one in a four-part series, the fundamental topics discussed in this course will be vital to prepare participants for future courses.