Agape Village Health Center


  • NMTC Amount: $33,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $34,816,414


  • 295 FTE jobs
  • 88 construction jobs
  • Project includes a Federally Qualified Health Center.


Voices from the Community

NMTC funding is addressing a critical need in Miami to provide mental health treatment for offenders that are reentering the community to prevent recycling these individuals back into the justice system again and again.

-Terry Lull, Agape Network, Inc., Miami, FL

Project Description

Construction of the new Agape Village Health Center to double the size and reach of its existing limited co-location services to create a comprehensive and integrated community health and residential treatment facility for women and families.


Address: 22790 Southwest 112 Avenue, Miami, FL 33170

Census Tract: 12086010501

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