Philadelphia, PA (2022)

Philadelphia Youth Basketball


  • NMTC Amount: $20,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $26,429,281


  • 75 FTE jobs
  • 210 construction jobs
  • 104,754 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

Acquisition, renovation and equipping of former industrial building to create new 95,000 sq. ft. youth basketball facility with related services and programs. The facility’s programs are anticipated to serve 6,000 young people each year. The project expects permanent full-time jobs to increase from 11 to 25 and permanent part time jobs to increase from 39 to 75 along with 50 temporary construction jobs, with all jobs, both full and part time, to pay a living wage.


Address: 4250 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19129

Census Tract: 42101020500

Other Pennsylvania Projects

Philadelphia, (2013)

Pittsburgh, (2009)

Philadelphia, (2012)