920 Cherry Street

The 920 Cherry Street project was a part of a comprehensive redevelopment of a three-acre site located at the intersection of Cherry Street, SE and Cherry Drive SE in the City of Grand Rapids.


  • NMTC Amount: $5,812,859
  • Total Project Cost: $9,209,026


  • 40 FTE jobs
  • 85 construction jobs


Project Description

The 920 Cherry Street project was a part of a comprehensive redevelopment of a three-acre site located at the intersection of Cherry Street, SE and Cherry Drive SE in the City of Grand Rapids. The redevelopment plan consisted of the development and construction of 37 for sale housing units, 5,000 sq. ft. of commercial space and the redevelopment of the historic DA Blodgett Home into the new headquarters for the Inner City Christian Federation.


Address: 920 Cherry Street Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Census Tract: 26081002100

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