Tampa, FL (2017)

Armature Works

The Armature Works building was originally built in 1910 as a streetcar maintenance facility.


  • NMTC Amount: $19,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $20,528,027


  • 438 FTE jobs
  • 165 construction jobs
  • Partnerships with local nonprofits will also provide on-site job training, employment counseling and culinary expertise.


Project Description

The Armature Works building was originally built in 1910 as a streetcar maintenance facility. With NMTC financing, the facility was renovated, and now includes local market and food vendors downstairs, and a small business incubator and co-working space upstairs. The overall building includes 76,500 sq feet and has created or retained an estimate 900 jobs. The area is a USDA Food Desert, and in addition to offering local, fresh foods, it encourages small businesses and has stimulated economic development in the surrounding area.


Address: 1910 North Ola, Tampa, FL 33602

Census Tract: 12057004200

Other Florida Projects

Saint Petersburg, (2014)

Jacksonville, (2015)