Frenso, CA (2023)

Fresno Rescue Mission 2.0


  • NMTC Amount: $15,500,000
  • Total Project Cost: $21,030,846


  • 106 FTE jobs
  • 117 construction jobs
  • 67 jobs created and 39 jobs retained.
  • 77,985 sq. ft. of real estate




Project Description

Phase II includes the new construction of City Center’s residential building which will provide transitory housing for families in a crisis in addition to a youth center. Phase II will also include the rehab of an existing building into a Federally Qualified Health Clinic (“FQHC”) that will be operated by Family HealthCare Network. Limited renovations to a warehouse and plant services building that supplies utility and mechanical needs to the campus will also be included in the scope of work. The site will also include outdoor recreation facilities and courtyards with play areas. Lastly, phase II includes rehab work related to the Wawona Building, a portion of which was completed outside of the project’s budget and is currently subleased with three separate 3rd-party tenants.


Address: 2017 E Dakota Ave + 3845 N. Clark St., Frenso, CA 93726

Census Tract: 6019005100

Other California Projects

San Francisco, (2016)

Monterey Park, (2015)