KSU Incubator

The construction of a 59,000 sq. ft. office building for a corporate incubator and research space in Manhattan, KS.


  • NMTC Amount: $14,650,000
  • Total Project Cost: $18,069,258


  • 150 FTE jobs
  • 79 construction jobs
  • 59,000 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

The Project involves the construction of a 59,000 sq. ft. office building by the Kansas State University Foundation used for corporate incubator and research space in Manhattan, KS. The space includes shared conference rooms, collaborative technology, and event space for tenants along with a portion designated for restaurants. The Project is part of the North Campus Corridor Plan of the University which was developed with the City in order to bring new businesses and spur economic development. The four phases developed a vacant 14 acres. This project is phase two, the office park, which brought business ventures to the area and diversified the economic base of the community. Located near an existing cutting-edge research facility, the tenants have the chance to build professional relationships and further build student talent and technical innovation. The NMTC allocation provided the gap financing needed for the project to move forward.


Address: 1880 Kimball Avenue, Manhatten, KS 66502

Census Tract: 20161001100

PDF Profile

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