Mosaic Life Care

The historic renovation of the German American Building into an office building for Mosaic Life Care along with 2,000 sq. ft. café operated by a local business.


  • NMTC Amount: $10,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $21,627,221


  • 400 FTE jobs
  • 95 construction jobs
  • Rehabilitation of a vacant or under-utilized historic structure.
  • 2,000 sq. ft. of real estate


Voices from the Community

To date, our company has successfully utilized NMTCs in 5 development projects in the toughest neighborhoods in Philadelphia. In all circumstances, we have created 100s of jobs, started new diverse businesses, brought quality goods and services to food and health deserts and created affordable housing opportunities in these neighborhoods. Stopping this funding source will negatively impact greatly, communities in need.

-Leslie Smallwood, Mosaic Development Partners, Philadelphia, PA

Project Description

The project included the historic renovation of the German American Building into an office building for Mosaic Life Care along with 2,000 sq. ft. café operated by a local business. The office building supports 400 fulltime employees of Mosaic Life through its flexible work environment where staff have a combination of home/office time. The building provides enough office space for 250 employees with management implementing a unique rotational system that has 200 employees work downtown for three days while the other 200 employees work at home and then rotating staff such that other 200 employees come downtown for the remaining two workdays out of the week.


Address: 624 Felix Street, St. Joseph, MO 64501

Census Tract: 29021001200

PDF Profile

Other Missouri Projects

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