Chula Vista, CA (2023)



  • NMTC Amount: $33,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $33,947,759


  • 25 FTE jobs
  • 143 construction jobs
  • 61,000 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

CCP provided $18 million in allocation to SBCS to finance the construction of a new 61,00 sq. ft. headquarters building in Chula Vista, CA. The new facility will provide the space for SBCS to hire 25 new FTE positions and serve an additional 2,000 unique clients per year. SBCS, a nonprofit corporation, provides a comprehensive range of services for families, including violence support, shelter and transitional housing, food assistance, tax preparation services, parenting classes, mental health services, and child abuse prevention/intervention.


Address: 318 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910

Census Tract: 6073012700

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