The Tennessee Justice Center provides free legal representation in civil cases to 1,700 low-income clients each year from across Tennessee, principally in cases involving access to health care, nutrition assistance and government benefits. The project will make TJC’s services more accessible to minority clients and will enable it to more effectively collaborate with organizations in Nashville’s minority community. Space not used by TJC will be available for affordable lease to another nonprofit serving the same community. The project will enable TJC to increase the number of individual cases handled from current total of 1,700 to 2,700 by Year 7, an increase of 60%. The Tennessee Justice Center (TJC) is a nonprofit public interest law and advocacy firm serving families in Tennessee. It gives priority to policy issues and civil cases in which the most basic necessities of life are at stake and where advocacy can benefit vulnerable families statewide. TJC works to empower its clients by holding government accountable for its policies and actions.