U.S. Bank Provides $2.5 Million in Financing for Construction of New Classroom Building for El Sol Science and Arts Academy

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Learn the fundamentals of the New Markets Tax Credit incentive, including the background and context, roles of significant players, and typical transaction structures. With a focus on understanding the common and unique goals of Community Development Entities, course participants will leave understanding what type of project is ideal for NMTC. Course leaders each come from a different background in the NMTC industry, and their diverse perspectives offer additional insight into explaining the overall NMTC landscape. As part one in a four-part series, the fundamental topics discussed in this course will be vital to prepare participants for future courses.
NMTC financing supported the Adeline Wright-Graham Boys & Girls Club (Boys and Girls Club of Schenectady NY)'s new location, which serves 300 children daily from the Hamilton Hill and Mont Pleasant neighborhoods, replacing the former building on Craig Street.

Schenectady, NY

Set in the heart of a disinvested area of Phoenix, First Place-Phoenix is a first of its kind mixed-use residential property designed to provide residential options and opportunities for independent living to adults with autism and related disorders.

Phoenix, AZ