Belle City Square


  • NMTC Amount: $21,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $35,794,898


  • 214 FTE jobs
  • 200 construction jobs
  • 179 jobs created and 35 jobs retained.
  • 112,350 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

The 131,144 gross sq. ft. (119,350 net) consists of a non-profit café, office space leased by the local economic development corporation, a light manufacturing tenant, workforce training facility and maker and co-working space. The project will be the fourth phase (out of six) of the functionally related complex with previous phases.


Address: 2200 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404

Census Tract: 55101001202

Other Wisconsin Projects

Cinnaire provided a $7.2M NMTC allocation to support the expansion and rehabilitation of the Marshfield Area YMCA.
Rehabilitation of historic building into a 107,500 sq. ft. mixed-use innovation hub.
Financing for the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha, serving the youth of Kenosha in their health, social, educational, vocational and character development.
Financing for dairy production upgrades helped retain and create jobs, drive investment to future projects to increase profitability, and return equities to members while retaining the proper equity base.