Martins Ferry, OH (2023)

East Ohio Regional Hospital


  • NMTC Amount: $17,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $19,334,193


  • 424 FTE jobs
  • 144 construction jobs
  • 50 jobs created and 374 jobs retained. The facility will serve 65,000 patients annually, 25,000 of which will be annual visits by unique patients.
  • 30,100 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

The East Ohio Hospital project is the rehabilitation and expansion of a minority-owned hospital located in Martins Ferry, OH. The hospital is a 330,000 SF, 140-bed medical facility and pharmacy currently providing a diverse range of services including cardiac cre, emergency services. Finance Fund provided NMTC finacing for the creation of a new 30,100 sq. ft. behavioral and mental health wing at the renovated hospital.


Address: 90 North 4th Street, Martins Ferry, OH 43935

Census Tract: 39013012100

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