Loan Fund

This is phase 1 of a 10- to 15-year development plan that looks at transformation where people live, work and play in their corner of the JeffVanderLou neighborhood. Habitat for

Neurobehavioral Medicine Consultants (NBMC) purchased a community hospital, and over the past two years, the hospital has unfortunately closed its doors and lost all of its tenants except for NBMC.

NMTC financing supported a 31 unit assisted living and skilled nursing facility in rural Eastern Ohio.

High Point is a manufacturer that provides surface mount and through hole printed circuit board assembly services. The project provided funds to refinance debt and provided working capital. The project

Algorithmic Intuition is a start-up that provides technology solutions to assist with elderly patient monitoring. The solution is cost effective, hardware light, and non-invasive. This project provided Algorithmic Intuition with

NMTC financing supported a medical technology company.

Redeployment of a small dollar loan fund payment to construct a community facility for a minority controlled non-profit, Spring Grove Missionary Baptist Church.

Redeployment of small dollar loan fund payments to minority owned roofing company to purchase new equipment.
NMTC financing supported a manufacturer of optics, coatings & assemblies for laser and imaging applications.
NMTC financing supported a tech company's growth.

The Akron Community Revitalization Loan Fund helps enable business development projects in distressed census tracts and urban areas in Akron. DFWR, contracted with Cleveland-based Village Capital Corporation, applied its development

Destination Crenshaw's intentions are nothing short of transformative, and Lendistry is contributing New Markets Tax Credit allocations to empower their…
Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs and Carver State Bank have formed a partnership that may eventually serve as an example to other CDFIs that seek to broaden their geographic footprint.
MEDC provides low cost, long-term, subordinate capital to operating businesses in the City of Milwaukee through the its NMTC Revolving Loan Fund product.
Invests in solar for community action agencies and nonprofits, saving them on utilities.