Regional One Health’s Oncology Center


  • NMTC Amount: $26,500,000
  • Total Project Cost: $29,135,245


  • 67 FTE jobs
  • 61 construction jobs
  • 36,514 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

NMTC financing supported the launching of a new, onsite full-service oncology program for a safety net hospital in Memphis, TN. The project will occupy two dedicated floors in the Regional One Health’s Rout Building and will also include an outpatient clinic for surgical and medical oncologists on its main hospital campus in Memphis, TN.

The new oncology services are being developed with the support of the University of Tennessee Health Services Center (UTHSC) and West Cancer Center. The project will include the following components:

-Renovation and furnishing of two dedicated inpatient floors (29 inpatient beds)

-Purchase of a Da Vinci Surgical Robot

-Construction and renovation of an operating room (OR) suite along with the purchase of small equipment and medical instruments

-Renovation of an outpatient clinic space

-Purchase of a new MRI machine

-Purchase of advanced oncology software required for complex and advanced oncology care

The project will allow the Hospital to expand and improve access to high-quality, oncological care, which will be provided at the Sponsor’s main hospital campus. Unfortunately, Regional One Health is unable to meet the current demand for oncology services because the Hospital needs modernized facilities and equipment.


Address: 877 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, TN 38103

Census Tract: 47157003800

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