CDE: WNC National Community Development Advisors

To all NMTC Coalition Members: If you would like to add projects, a description of your CDE, or anything else to this page, contact Paul Anderson.

Recent Allocation Awards:

Project Profiles and Stories

NMTC financing supported construction of a sizable shopping center.
Renovation of historic office building with community facilities.
Financing for a construction project replacing an older, smaller mental health services campus that must close due to SeaTac airport’s expansion plans.
Transformation of an underutilized downtown New Brunswick site into a major transit-oriented, mixed-use facility focused on community health.
A $48.2M mixed-use, transit-oriented, green development in Philadelphia's Ludlow community - a low-income, distressed neighborhood currently undergoing a revitalization drive fueled by strong public and private collaboration.
Construction of five new buildings of project that expanded capacity and services offered to medically fragile children as well as children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected, and children
Lindsey Wilson College has undergone the most dramatic transformation in the college's 109-year history.
Financing for a new YMCA for YMCA of Greater Boston, founded in 1851 as the country’s first Y.
The NMTC helped the Westervelt Company to build a new wood pellet manufacturing facility in Aliceville, Ala.