The America’s Second Harvest project entails the construction of two buildings totaling 152,900 sq. ft. for a food bank warehouse and distribution hub located in Savannah, GA. Specifically, 98,000 sq. ft. will be devoted to dry storage, 19,000 sq. ft. of freezer/cooler space, 15,000 sq. ft. of volunteer sorting/packing space, an 11,200 sq. ft. commercial kitchen for Kids Cafe and Summer Feeding programs, a 2,000 sq. ft. Child Nutrition Education Center, and loading docks and bays on a 20-acre site. This project fulfills the relocation and expansion of their current facilities. The new site is further inland and less vulnerable to flooding and hurricane force winds as well as providing easy access to interstate highways. Program and capacity expansions with the new facility include: doubling total food distribution by 2028 to 41.6 million pounds; increasing distribution through their partner network to 30 million pounds; increasing fresh produce distribution from 13% to 30% of all food distributed and; increase the number of individual served through their partner network by 42% to an anticipated 210,000 by 2028. Second Harvest is a nonprofit food bank established in 1981. They distribute food directly and through a network of over 240 partners across a 21 county service area in southeast Georgia. They also operate programs targeting at-risk youths and the elderly.