

  • NMTC Amount: $10,500,000
  • Total Project Cost: $12,384,000


  • 100 FTE jobs
  • 91 construction jobs
  • 92 jobs created and 8 jobs retained.
  • 17,668 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

This project serves as a pivotal anchor in the broader La Villa Hispana mission, seeking to redefine Cleveland’s Clark-Fulton neighborhood into an inclusive and vibrant Latino cultural district. Notably, this neighborhood houses Ohio’s largest Hispanic population. Led by the Hispanic Business Center, CentroVilla25 envisions the project as a driver of substantial economic impact, fostering job creation, supporting business development, and nurturing a flourishing local economy. Moreover, it aims to cultivate a distinctive atmosphere that honors and celebrates the rich Latino heritage woven into the fabric of this community.

The project features 20 micro-retail spaces (mercado), commercial kitchen, office space for Latino and neighborhood-serving organizations, specialty grocery store, lounge, community space for arts and culture programming and outdoor plaza. The project will catalyze economic impact through job creation and business development, growing a thriving local economy, and creative placemaking that celebrates the Latino culture of the neighborhood. The project will address food insecurity by housing the special grocer, fresh produce vendors and food hall. The plaza and community space will serve as a community gathering place for arts and culture and business showcase.


Address: 2511 Clark Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44109

Census Tract: 39035197600

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