McClellan Early Childhood Education Center


  • NMTC Amount: $8,100,000
  • Total Project Cost: $8,399,447


  • 48 FTE jobs
  • 14 construction jobs
  • 24 jobs created and 24 jobs retained. Serve 96 children and families of the surrounding neighborhood
  • 14,000 sq. ft. of real estate



Project Description

McClellan ECE involves the development of a new, 14,000 sq. ft. early childhood education (ECE) facility in Detroit, Michigan. The project will be utilized as a Head Start Facility for the surrounding area’s youth. The new ECE facility includes four infant/toddler classrooms and four preschool classrooms. McClellan ECE is focused on providing quality, accessible early childhood education services to low-income and minority families in the community.


Address: 3917 McClellan St, Detroit, MI 48214

Census Tract: 26163514500

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