The Met

Redevelopment of a 113,300 sq. ft. historic, abandoned opera house built in 1908 into a state-of-the-art live entertainment venue, with additional rent-free office space for community nonprofits.


  • NMTC Amount: $9,000,000
  • Total Project Cost: $47,707,868


  • 74 FTE jobs
  • 80 construction jobs
  • 113,300 sq. ft. of real estate


Project Description

Redevelopment of a 113,300 sq. ft. historic, abandoned opera house built in 1908 into a state-of-the-art live entertainment venue, with additional rent-free office space for community nonprofits.


Address: 858 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130

Census Tract: 42101013300

Other Pennsylvania Projects

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The renovation of an existing five-story 135,800 square foot industrial building located in the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh for the purpose accommodating creative start-up and nascent entrepreneurial business activity.