Disasters hit our most vulnerable communities the hardest. After Katrina, community development organizations – and the mission-driven service providers they support – played an important role in rebuilding and restrengthening communities that were already struggling with poverty and unemployment before the storm.
Below are some of the stories of how the NMTC helped communities get back on their feet along with stories about existing NMTC-financed projects that helped sustain communities AFTER the storm. We hope these stories provide hope for survivors and a template for policymakers looking to support rebuilding efforts and disaster resiliency.
Many of the same organizations funded under the emergency GO-ZONE Act of 2005, including the Houston Food Bank and the North Dallas Food Bank, were on the ground in Texas providing direct assistance to the families and communities affected by the unprecedented flooding and destruction of Hurricane Harvey and Irma.
NMTC Coalition Disaster Assistance Proposal
The NMTC Coalition is proposing a special allocation of NMTCs to address recent disasters. Read the draft bill language.